Friday, January 18, 2008

Where did 29 go?

Tonight my precious daughter-in -law is celebrating her 29th birthday at a very special place for our family. A slumber party with 12 of her friends from her Bible Study group.
Not so long ago I was 29----- maybe not so smart as my daughters- in- law.
I had 2 boys . They each have 2 boys. I was working full time building a business. They both are stay at home Moms. I didn't know the value of taking time with my friends. Both these wonderful girls know that they are better wives and Moms because they take care of themselves. I am learning.
Next weekend, my friend since 1966 is coming to my house on Schweitzer Mountain , Idaho, with her family to celebrate her 60th birthday. We will laugh, we will cry, we will compare grandchildren and we will eat chocolate. We might ski.
My friend, Linda, we are sisters at heart, we have learned that ,although contact is often sparse and far between we are connected. Connected by being Nurses, by living these 60 years, by reconnecting at our 30 year SPU reunion. But most of all, we are daughters of the King who have struggled and danced through this journey called life. We have chosen to dance together the last portion of time on this earth.
Happy 60th Birthday , Linda on the 22nd. I hope you dance!!!!!!
Here's hoping all my 60's chicks friends will dance!!! It is better if we dance together!!

1 comment:

SarahDB said...

Looks cool mom! How all are you getting the word out about this blog?


PS- why does everyone else know your blog and not me? Honestly... ;)