Thursday, January 31, 2008


When Gini, Ginny, Vicki, Joyce and I got together last summer to plan our great gettaway, we had a great time. Two thing really struck me as we chatted. First, as I looked at each one, I saw the face of my young college friend, no changes at all over the 40 years. I knew however, looking at myself, time does change our appearance --- what we see with our eyes. At that moment I realized-------time doesn't change what we see with our heart.
Second, as we laughed and planned, Ginny pipes up " Do we have to lose weight to go on a cruise?" The answer , of course, is NO!!!!!!!!!!
We are who we are------ Nothing more . Nothing less. Hallelujah!!!!!
I thought I would post this poem that Judy Thorsen Enchlemayer sent out to us .
Be encouraged, we are all blessed 60's Chicks. I see you with my heart

Some one will always be prettier
Someone will always be smarter
Some of their houses will be bigger
Some will drive a better car
Their children will do better in school
And their husbands will fix more things around the house
So let it go, LOVE YOU, love your circumstances
Think about it!
The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart
And the most highly favored woman on your job, may be unable to have children
The richest woman you know, has the house, the car , the clothes ------
Might be lonely
The word says, 'If I have not Love, I am nothing'
Look in the mirror in the morning, smile and say
'I am too Blessed to be Stressed, too Annointed to be Disappointed!'
Be BLESSED, Ladies We ARE the 60's Chicks

Thanks, Judy for this encouragement

Friday, January 18, 2008

Where did 29 go?

Tonight my precious daughter-in -law is celebrating her 29th birthday at a very special place for our family. A slumber party with 12 of her friends from her Bible Study group.
Not so long ago I was 29----- maybe not so smart as my daughters- in- law.
I had 2 boys . They each have 2 boys. I was working full time building a business. They both are stay at home Moms. I didn't know the value of taking time with my friends. Both these wonderful girls know that they are better wives and Moms because they take care of themselves. I am learning.
Next weekend, my friend since 1966 is coming to my house on Schweitzer Mountain , Idaho, with her family to celebrate her 60th birthday. We will laugh, we will cry, we will compare grandchildren and we will eat chocolate. We might ski.
My friend, Linda, we are sisters at heart, we have learned that ,although contact is often sparse and far between we are connected. Connected by being Nurses, by living these 60 years, by reconnecting at our 30 year SPU reunion. But most of all, we are daughters of the King who have struggled and danced through this journey called life. We have chosen to dance together the last portion of time on this earth.
Happy 60th Birthday , Linda on the 22nd. I hope you dance!!!!!!
Here's hoping all my 60's chicks friends will dance!!! It is better if we dance together!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Not Too Late

Calling all 60's chicks for the Nursing class of 1970 SPC

It is not too late to get on board for our cruise in September.

Interested parties need apply!!!!

If you don't have my email just addto the comments and I will get in touch with you.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


This year is a phoenomenal milestone in our lives.
The year we turn 60.
We need to celebrate the lives we've lived, celebrate the lives we have yet to live and celebrate each other.
January 17th Vicki McClurg is the first of this year that I know who will leave the 50 somethings behind and enter this new decade.
Linda Visser will join her on January 22.
I think we need to really CELEBRATE-----life in general and each other specfically.
I believe nothing happens by chance. We did not go to SPC by chance. We did not go into nursing by chance.
And most of all we did not meet each other by chance.
We met by divine ordination to be in each others lives for a purpose.Friendship, support, fun ,encouragement, laughter and just being.
Many of us have not seen each other since that June day in 1970 when we marched down the aisle of the Seattle Opera House to receive our diplomas. The memory that stands out most about that day is when the faculty were marching out in the recessional and Mrs Green saluted us , as a class, as she walked by. Today we deserve that salute even more.
We have been given this amazing chance in life to reconnect . Let's take it and run with it, learn where our paths have taken us and celebrate it all. The good ,bad and the ugly.

I encourage you each to send a note, email or call these birthday girls as they become our first official "60's Chicks'!!!!
Several have emailed me their birth dates. Would love to have them all

More later.... Until then Celebrate this day and every day
Hooray for The 60's Chicks

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Good times and old friends

"Midst the mountains of the westland, near the shining sea.........
30 or so young women met in 1966 at Seattle Pacific College
with the dream of making a difference in the world by becoming nurses.
We all turned 20 together...... in 2008 most of us will turn 60!!!!
4o years later-------the world is a better place because of our dreams, training and dedication to life


The 60's Chicks Reunion Tour

Some gathered together to plan our "getaway". After considering distance, cost and the amount of fun in the shortest period of time( no cooking, no cleaning, no pressure, no husbands) , we opted for a 4 day cruise to Mexico.

Contact information, passports, travels agents later, we began the plan

16 beautiful nurses are now on our way to the 1st annual 60' s Chicks Reunion Tour

We are georgeous ( look at the Dove commercials)
We ar wonderful women
We are Nurses
And WE will be turning 60

HOORAY for good time and old friends