Saturday, October 25, 2008
Part 2
Tonight, I'm reminded of my roomate fall quarter our senior year Ginny Lingren Edwards.
Ginny was "the pretty girl". The one who always seemed to be having fun and dated all the cool guys. Ginny has such a great laugh and everyone around her seem to have fun.
When we started planning for our cruise, Ginny asked if we could room together again, for old times sake. So we did.
Ginny is the one in the big white hat in the upper left of the picture. She helped me plan the fun stuff for the cruise and asked the questions win the door prizes each day at breakfast. Every night we lay in bed laughing trying to figure out what silly things we could ask our friends the next morning so everyone eventually would win a door prize. Ginny also did the planning of the 2 excursions we took while on the cruise.
The first excursion was billed as Catalina Island Land and Sea, almost sound like a dinner menu right? The sea part was billed as an open bottom boat to view the sea life. Well, we had a great time laughing together and watching through the large fish bowl type thing in the middle of the boat to view fish that looked very much like carp. it was great. We then took a bus tour of Catalina, learned alot about the island , history, business and that Natalie Wood drowned just off shore!! We spent the afternoon sightseeing and shopping or going back to the ship.
Pat Roe Laube, the one just left of me in the picture. had purchased a student nurse doll in the SPU bookstore somewhere around 1969. She brought the doll , whom we named Nancy, we took pictures of the doll in every situation we possibly could . She is dressed in the student uniform that we wore. Thanks Pat for adding to the fun.
Now back to Ginny. She has seen her share of the good, the bad and the ugly in life , as all of us have by this time in life. She has 3 children , one severely disabled. Yet , My Ginny, is still fun , still laughs with gusto, loves God, loves her children and loves her husband. Thanks, Ginny, for rooming with me once again. Thanks for the memories old and new.
"Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold."
Ginny was "the pretty girl". The one who always seemed to be having fun and dated all the cool guys. Ginny has such a great laugh and everyone around her seem to have fun.
When we started planning for our cruise, Ginny asked if we could room together again, for old times sake. So we did.
Ginny is the one in the big white hat in the upper left of the picture. She helped me plan the fun stuff for the cruise and asked the questions win the door prizes each day at breakfast. Every night we lay in bed laughing trying to figure out what silly things we could ask our friends the next morning so everyone eventually would win a door prize. Ginny also did the planning of the 2 excursions we took while on the cruise.
The first excursion was billed as Catalina Island Land and Sea, almost sound like a dinner menu right? The sea part was billed as an open bottom boat to view the sea life. Well, we had a great time laughing together and watching through the large fish bowl type thing in the middle of the boat to view fish that looked very much like carp. it was great. We then took a bus tour of Catalina, learned alot about the island , history, business and that Natalie Wood drowned just off shore!! We spent the afternoon sightseeing and shopping or going back to the ship.
Pat Roe Laube, the one just left of me in the picture. had purchased a student nurse doll in the SPU bookstore somewhere around 1969. She brought the doll , whom we named Nancy, we took pictures of the doll in every situation we possibly could . She is dressed in the student uniform that we wore. Thanks Pat for adding to the fun.
Now back to Ginny. She has seen her share of the good, the bad and the ugly in life , as all of us have by this time in life. She has 3 children , one severely disabled. Yet , My Ginny, is still fun , still laughs with gusto, loves God, loves her children and loves her husband. Thanks, Ginny, for rooming with me once again. Thanks for the memories old and new.
"Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The 60's Chicks in Person Part 1
These 16 women in the picture above are the marvelous, beautiful, friends I call the 60"s Chicks.
We met each other in 1966 when we became freshman nursing students at then Seattle Pacific College. Now University. We were anxious, we were eager, we were idealistic, we were afraid, we were excited but we were mostly young. We struggled through all the things that all young college girls struggle with. It was the 1960's so our world was really changing. The role of women was up for grabs. And the notion was rampant the God was Dead! The Hippie movement was alive and well . The military draft had just assigned lottery numbers to all our male friends. The war in Viet Nam was raging. We all had friends there who we wrote to regularly. We all lost friends there. We worried that the guys we dated had a low draft number-- maybe they would go too.
Beyond that we had things to learn. We learned to make beds so a quarter would bounce on it. We learned to give shots starting with giving them to each other. We learned that nursing students do NOT skip class, do NOT fall asleep in class and do NOT EVER get a "C". We NEVER could stay out late because we started in the hospital at 6AM. In our college days the guys were not allowed on our dorm floors. The girls had "in hours". 8:30 pm during the week our Freshman year. Midnight on weekends!! The guys who lived in the other side of the dorm loved to pull the fire alarms at 3 AM. We girls were requires to file out of the dorm ( I lived on the 5th floor) until the Housemother called an all clear. The guys? I just remember them lining their windows watching us all tromp through the night in our pajamas and curlers in our hair..
It was really during these long hours in dorm that I began to really know these girls.
Joyce Lager , the first girl I met when I went to preregister for classes. She lived in the Bellevue area and I lived in Boulevard Park so we could commute easily to early registration. She was sweet and kind. She didn't show that she was nervous. I thought she was very smart. ( and she was). She lived in Hill Hall too 2 floors below me, I think.
She became my friend who I would go to for reaasurance and encouragement. The one who could always make me feel ok even if I'd done something really stupid. She was the one who didn't always like the boys I dated and would tactfully say so!! Joyce is at the bottom right of the picture in a green shirt, right next to me.
Joyce is now Joyce Anderson, still works as a nurse, is married to a PHD, The mother of 4 children, 3 girls ,1 boy all college graduates. Her oldest daughter is finishing a residency in OBGYN. She has 2 grandsons . A Connor, too.
The bond of women who knew you "when" before life happened and who love you still after much of life has happened. The connection that is still there even though the communication wasn't always. Friendship is the most amazing thing.
When I sat down tonight I had intended to write about the cruise and the wonderful time we had together in one post, but then the memories came. It will be several more posts before I'm done, I believe.
I do , however remember turning 20 with these girls. Now next week I will turn 60( all but one other already have so I am almost the youngest) How quickly we went from Freshmen nursing students to "The 60's Chicks"
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain"
Thank God for my 60's Chicks
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Long time gone
Since my last post about Memorial Day, I have been busy with travels family and business. I went on a mission to Dominican Republic in July, Montreal and Quebec City with my sisters for a "back to our roots" trip in August, A marvelous reunion cruise with friends fo 40 years in September, A trip to Lake Havasu , Arizona to judge the Ms Senior Lake Havasu pageant, Hosting our week long company retreat at the Oregon Coast. Nashvillle, to accompany 3 of our Skilled Nursing Facilities to receive their national Quality Care awards and finally to the Grand opening of our newly built Prestige Assisted Living in Manteca, California!!!!
It has been a busy year but now I am home. I am looking forward to blogging the fun stuff now.
Ged Bless the 60's Chicks Absolutly nothing like friends that knew you "when"
It has been a busy year but now I am home. I am looking forward to blogging the fun stuff now.
Ged Bless the 60's Chicks Absolutly nothing like friends that knew you "when"
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Memorial Day
Most people today think of Memorial Day as a long weekend, the last of May. I will always think of Memorial Day as May 30th.
My Father always took us to parades and talked to us about the importance of remembering those who have given their lives for our Freedom. As a result of this I always fly the US flag on this day and salute the members of our armed forces past and present which includes my husband.
Thank you to all who care enough about my freedom to give service. Also to the families, especially the children, who live in an uncertain state until that parent walks through the door and into their arms. God Bless you all and God Bless America!!!!!!
On a much lighter note------ The reson I always remember May 30th!!
The weekend of May 18, 1968, I was asked by the then ASSPC President to be the "camp nurse" at a weekend camp for inner city children to be held at a horse camp in Cle Elm, Washington. This request came through his girlfiend who lived on my floor in the dorm and knew I was a Sophomore Nursing student. ( translation knew very little about nursing, but they were covered, as the had "a nurse"?!?)
Friday evening, I was introduced to the other staff, Jon, Suzie, Julie, and Harold Delamarter.
The cute guy with a great smile and terrifc blue eyes. My first memory is him standing at the top of the stairs laughing and teasing me about who knows what. !!!
Saturday dawned, we spent alot of time at the pool. Me in a borrowed 2 piece bathing suit. Borrowed, because my own Mother did not think 2 piece bathing suits were ever appropriate.
I was girls counsellor with Julie and kept talking to her about how much this guy named Harold was flirting with me. Ha----more about Julie later.
Harold was the wrangler of the horses and supervised the kids horse back riding. It was the first camp of the spring so the horses were a bit squirlly, not having been ridden for the winter.
As it happened, 2 girls fell off their horses and right into the barbed wire fences. CALL FOR THE NURSE!!!
Stitches needed------ my evaluation.
Harold volunteered to be the ambulance driver----- in his bright red 1965 Mustang ( the first year they were made)
Into Ellensberg we went with 2 girls in the back seat, must have had releases, not sure . I was just 19 myself.
Came back to camp, girls with stitches in place, me giggling as Harold is very funny. What girl can resist a guy that makes her laugh?
Seats were saved at the dinner table, which was in progress . I was to sit next to Jon and his girlfriend, Harold was to sit next to JULIE. Seems they had been dating and they came together!!!!! Not only could she could she ride horses BUT she could play the piano too! One of my biggest envies.
This is the girl I had been talking to about Harold!!!!! I think I even told her I thought he was cute!!!
Went back to Seattle to the dorm. My best friend had a room over looking the parking lot and you can't hide a red Mustang among college kids cars!! Knew when it went ; Knew when it came back!!!
A few days later, I was sitting on my bed praying. I said" God, I would really like a date this weekend either with ....... ......... or Harold Delamarter"
Before I finished the prayer, the phone rang. "Hello" "Hi, This is Harold Delamarter. What are you doing for Memorial Day"?
'ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, what did you have in mind?"
Our first date was May 30, 1968. We went to Whidby Island , on the ferry to the home of his cousin's boyfriend's parents for a large group barbeque.
I was nervous, he made me laugh, I broke one of his 8 track tapes, and he didn't kiss me!!!
But I still remember the stories he told and how I laughed. Still do on remembrance!!
40 years have come and gone since that first date! I can't believe it.
A stint living in Germany with the Army, 3 kids, 2 daughters in law, 1 son in law, 4 1/2 grand children, building a business together------- now turning 60!!!!
How quickly those 40 years have passed!!!
I am blessed with great memories this Memorial Day, 2008
and that Julie----- Well----- I've heard that he made the right choice!!!
My Father always took us to parades and talked to us about the importance of remembering those who have given their lives for our Freedom. As a result of this I always fly the US flag on this day and salute the members of our armed forces past and present which includes my husband.
Thank you to all who care enough about my freedom to give service. Also to the families, especially the children, who live in an uncertain state until that parent walks through the door and into their arms. God Bless you all and God Bless America!!!!!!
On a much lighter note------ The reson I always remember May 30th!!
The weekend of May 18, 1968, I was asked by the then ASSPC President to be the "camp nurse" at a weekend camp for inner city children to be held at a horse camp in Cle Elm, Washington. This request came through his girlfiend who lived on my floor in the dorm and knew I was a Sophomore Nursing student. ( translation knew very little about nursing, but they were covered, as the had "a nurse"?!?)
Friday evening, I was introduced to the other staff, Jon, Suzie, Julie, and Harold Delamarter.
The cute guy with a great smile and terrifc blue eyes. My first memory is him standing at the top of the stairs laughing and teasing me about who knows what. !!!
Saturday dawned, we spent alot of time at the pool. Me in a borrowed 2 piece bathing suit. Borrowed, because my own Mother did not think 2 piece bathing suits were ever appropriate.
I was girls counsellor with Julie and kept talking to her about how much this guy named Harold was flirting with me. Ha----more about Julie later.
Harold was the wrangler of the horses and supervised the kids horse back riding. It was the first camp of the spring so the horses were a bit squirlly, not having been ridden for the winter.
As it happened, 2 girls fell off their horses and right into the barbed wire fences. CALL FOR THE NURSE!!!
Stitches needed------ my evaluation.
Harold volunteered to be the ambulance driver----- in his bright red 1965 Mustang ( the first year they were made)
Into Ellensberg we went with 2 girls in the back seat, must have had releases, not sure . I was just 19 myself.
Came back to camp, girls with stitches in place, me giggling as Harold is very funny. What girl can resist a guy that makes her laugh?
Seats were saved at the dinner table, which was in progress . I was to sit next to Jon and his girlfriend, Harold was to sit next to JULIE. Seems they had been dating and they came together!!!!! Not only could she could she ride horses BUT she could play the piano too! One of my biggest envies.
This is the girl I had been talking to about Harold!!!!! I think I even told her I thought he was cute!!!
Went back to Seattle to the dorm. My best friend had a room over looking the parking lot and you can't hide a red Mustang among college kids cars!! Knew when it went ; Knew when it came back!!!
A few days later, I was sitting on my bed praying. I said" God, I would really like a date this weekend either with ....... ......... or Harold Delamarter"
Before I finished the prayer, the phone rang. "Hello" "Hi, This is Harold Delamarter. What are you doing for Memorial Day"?
'ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, what did you have in mind?"
Our first date was May 30, 1968. We went to Whidby Island , on the ferry to the home of his cousin's boyfriend's parents for a large group barbeque.
I was nervous, he made me laugh, I broke one of his 8 track tapes, and he didn't kiss me!!!
But I still remember the stories he told and how I laughed. Still do on remembrance!!
40 years have come and gone since that first date! I can't believe it.
A stint living in Germany with the Army, 3 kids, 2 daughters in law, 1 son in law, 4 1/2 grand children, building a business together------- now turning 60!!!!
How quickly those 40 years have passed!!!
I am blessed with great memories this Memorial Day, 2008
and that Julie----- Well----- I've heard that he made the right choice!!!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Eight Ring Bearers and a Red Wagon
This truly is my last wedding post and it is my favorite. It has long been tradition in the family to include all the sisters , brothers, sisters in laws, brothers in laws, and children in the wedding. This became quite a challenge when Sarah became engaged. Sarah has 4 nephews ages 1,4,8 1/2, and 10. Daren has four nephews ages 18 months, 4, 6 and 7. One is a toddler ,one is a non walker. Christy, my daughter in law came up with the little red wagon idea.
Hence the 8 protectors of the rings.
The brides party proceeded down the aisle, the flower girls ( whom we ahd to borrow, no girls in either family)came down the aisle, the bride came down the aisle and the ceremony began. The bride was given away, the Preacher preached, the vows were taken. The preacher then asked" Do you have the rings?" Music flowed from the piano----- Charlie Brown tunes of some sort. A short pause and the 81/2 year old ( the 1/2 is especially important to him) began down the aisle pulling a little red wagon. Riding in the wagon were the toddler and the non walker. Following the wagon , holding hands were the 2 four year olds, then the 6 and 7 year olds. Bringing up the rear of the wagon train was the 10 year old carrying the pillow with the rings. All these boys in tuxedos!!!!! As they reached the front of the room everyone broke into applause.
The walkers stood by their Dads, who were all in the wedding party. The wagon riders were pulled to the safety of their cargivers for the night. And the entire row of bridesmaids breathed a collective sigh of relief.
It truly was a highlight of the evening.
If I had a picture of the wagon train I would have posted it. But the 6 perched on the curb is pretty cute.
Well ,2 Thomas the trains, one trip to Chucky Cheese and 2 trips to the toy store were all it cost this Grandma in bribes!!!! A small joyous price of watching a priceless parade for the love of their aunt and uncle.
Tonight they are still in Tahiti. I have yet to recieve even one of the cards I so kindly addressed to myself and stamped for their convenience. I am sure , though, that my framed picture is sitting bedside in their over the water bungalow!!!!!!!
OK just allow me will you !!! I AM turning 60 this year!!!
Hooray for the 60's Chicks
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Table pictures
The Prop man
The Monogram of Sarah and Daren benson

AHHH "The Prop Man"------ my first introduction to the prop man was several months ago. I had no idea what he did, just knew Sarah thought he was a needed addition to the planning..
As I walked into the reception ball room just prior to the ceremony, I realized "This is what the Prop Man does!! And He deserves to be in capitals.
While planning, we walked into a large ball room much like any other room used for large gatherings.
Saturday, when I walked, in I realized THIS was Sarah's big red party.
There was a square bar close to the entrance of the room all drapped in shiney red material. On either side of the bar was a lounge area, white couches, end tables that lit from within highlighting the red flowers on top. and the large candles brought up form the ceremony ( I guess I am going backwards in describing the events)
There where red drapes from ceiling to floor tied back with white flowers, just enough to reveal the dinning area beyond ( will add images in next blog, don't know how to add now)
The wedding cake was on the stage as we had no room left on the main floor. Again behind the cake the mysterious Prop Man, had drapped with red.
The lighting in the room was a red wash (?!?) which made us all look really great. And projected on the dance floor was their new monogram prepared for them by our wonderful graphic artist friend , Katie Boden.
Cheers to Mr. Prop Man, who was there long before us and long into the night after our celebration.
You made Sarah's Big Red Party happen.
PS :note the vase on the top of the cake. It was on my Grandmother and Gandfather Detlor's cake around 1890, on my wedding cake in 1971 and now on Sarah's.
Next: 8 ring bearers and a red wagon!!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Saga of the Dresses Resolved

Since my last blog was about the dresses, I'll start there!! As you can see there are 10 on the grooms side, 10 on the brides side, and the 2 flower girls out of the 10 children in the wedding.
The black dresses all came in and the girls chose what they felt most comfortable in and wore that style. Quite stunning don't you think? The shoes, of course, hurt everyone's feet but were red. And were removed early in the reception!!!
The Bridesmaids and 1 bridesman proceeded down the aisle to a gospel choir singing a lively rendition of "Joyful, Joyful We adore Thee, God of Glory Lord of light....." I can still feel the beat as I write.
As Sarah approached the head of the aisle , to the traditional wedding march, Daren saw her for the first time. He mouthed "O MY Gosh" and began to cry. He could not take his eyes off her.
She , in this mother's opinion, was the most beautiful bride.
The pastor stood with his back to the guests, and the bride and groom facing us. We were able to watch their joyful expressions as the ceremony took place.
The couple left the ceremony to the Choir singing " Signed, Sealed Delivered--------I'm Yours!!!"
This time the guests clapped along.
My daughter has always marched to her own wonderful beat. Creative, decisive, with great imagination and especially laughter. When They were looking at venues for the service they really wanted a downtown church but were unable to find one suitable. When the walked into the Portland Art Museum, Sarah said, "This is it"; Daren said "It's a little over the top don't you think?" Sarah's response true to form. "Daren, I'M over the top!!!!!!"
So it was settled and their presence really did fill the place.
So they are married and off to Tahiti
( one bit of advice from the brides Mom. don't take presents to the wedding if you can help it, but a little red wagon helps)
Next time I have learned what the "Prop" man does and what to do with 8 ring bearers.
Now onto my 60's Chicks Cruise Planning
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Saga of the Dresses
Ten---- that's the number of attendants my daughter chose to stand up with her at her wedding next week. Nine bridesmaids and one bridesman!!! The brides man clothing was easy to decide on as he will wear whatever tux the groomsmen wear. The girls however are a different story. One now lives in Virginia, one in Nashville, one in Spokane the rest in our area.
One is a model, one is a Mother of 3, one is 8 weeks pregnant and one is 8 months pregnant!!!So the choosing of the dresses is vitally important.
The shoes were chosen first. Red of course, Sarah's favorite. Even she, as the bride is wearing red shoes.
The dresses----- style, length, color. 2 redheads, 3 blonds, 4 brunettes of various shades.hmmm
It was settled. The wedding would be somewhat ethereal with neutral colors and small touches of red. The reception following is to be a "big red party"
Champagne color for the dresses, order 15 weeks out from a reputable formal shop. We are all set. Rest easy!!!!!
Fast forward 14 weeks--------
Did you know dyeable shoes are hard to find and it takes 3 weeks to get them dyed?
Shoes not here in time . Thank God for Zappos 9 pair red heels ordered!
The dresses arrive in Seattle, friends pick them up and bring them to us; they are distributed; bridesmaids try them on------
The girls begin talking about really needing a tan, of needing to have the dresses altered to fit, one of my sons makes unflatering comments about the dress to his wife. It really can't be that bad!!!
One of my daughters inlaw cannot get the dress altered as she is now pregnant and it can't be let out.
I take the dress home to contemplate. Try it with the red shoes I have THE DRESS IS PEACH!!
black shoe, white shoes-- nothing really works. I decide to try the dress on. Great decision-- It is absolutely not acceptable. 12 days until the wedding.
Thank God for Nordstoms ----overnight delivery of The Little Black Dress but wait-- are you aware that even though they list all these sizes they may not have them all ready to ship? Well consider yourself warned.
That was Tuesday. Today is Thursday one more Thursday before the wedding.
All 9 girls have at least one black dress , some have 2, one has 4 and the 8 months pregnant girl has 5. Nordstroms has a really great return policy.
We have gone from ethereal to elegant in black. It really WILL make the gorgeous Bride stand out. Still all in red shoes.
2 flower girls in red
8 ring bearers and a red wagon.
9 days to go until the big day.
It will be a great day------ gorgeous bride,------ wonderful groom.
A real WHOO HOO day!!
P.S. I think I'll wear red shoes
One is a model, one is a Mother of 3, one is 8 weeks pregnant and one is 8 months pregnant!!!So the choosing of the dresses is vitally important.
The shoes were chosen first. Red of course, Sarah's favorite. Even she, as the bride is wearing red shoes.
The dresses----- style, length, color. 2 redheads, 3 blonds, 4 brunettes of various shades.hmmm
It was settled. The wedding would be somewhat ethereal with neutral colors and small touches of red. The reception following is to be a "big red party"
Champagne color for the dresses, order 15 weeks out from a reputable formal shop. We are all set. Rest easy!!!!!
Fast forward 14 weeks--------
Did you know dyeable shoes are hard to find and it takes 3 weeks to get them dyed?
Shoes not here in time . Thank God for Zappos 9 pair red heels ordered!
The dresses arrive in Seattle, friends pick them up and bring them to us; they are distributed; bridesmaids try them on------
The girls begin talking about really needing a tan, of needing to have the dresses altered to fit, one of my sons makes unflatering comments about the dress to his wife. It really can't be that bad!!!
One of my daughters inlaw cannot get the dress altered as she is now pregnant and it can't be let out.
I take the dress home to contemplate. Try it with the red shoes I have THE DRESS IS PEACH!!
black shoe, white shoes-- nothing really works. I decide to try the dress on. Great decision-- It is absolutely not acceptable. 12 days until the wedding.
Thank God for Nordstoms ----overnight delivery of The Little Black Dress but wait-- are you aware that even though they list all these sizes they may not have them all ready to ship? Well consider yourself warned.
That was Tuesday. Today is Thursday one more Thursday before the wedding.
All 9 girls have at least one black dress , some have 2, one has 4 and the 8 months pregnant girl has 5. Nordstroms has a really great return policy.
We have gone from ethereal to elegant in black. It really WILL make the gorgeous Bride stand out. Still all in red shoes.
2 flower girls in red
8 ring bearers and a red wagon.
9 days to go until the big day.
It will be a great day------ gorgeous bride,------ wonderful groom.
A real WHOO HOO day!!
P.S. I think I'll wear red shoes
Monday, April 14, 2008
10 Years Old Again
Yesterday I had the priviledge of providing the venue for our oldest grandson's 10th birthday by virtue of Grandma having a Wii game system. And a new covered outdoor area to handle 14 other 10 year olds. Caleb is the boy that made me a Grandma. He is the one who, at 10, is almost as tall as me. The one who taught me to look at life with new vigor. The one who loved me to sing the same songs to him as I sang to his Father. Caleb is an abidextrous athlete whose heart is truly an artist. Caleb is the one who , when I pick he and his brother up from school will be diplomatic and say " We really want to see you , Grandma, AND play the Wii" When his wonderful brother just blurts it out......." "We want to play the Wii".
Yesterday as I walked downstairs to the family room, I heard cheering, and peals of laughter.10 year old boys filling the room with their energy. With their competiveness. With their joy.
I heard my son's voice giving direction and organizing their games.............
Flashback 25 years to another 10 year old's birthday party. Jason had friends over, in another house but also in the family room in the basement. As I walked down those stairs in 1983, I then heard the laughing, hollaring and energy of those boys. They were having a pillow fight!!!!
The wonderful sounds were the same. The boys were different boys. But being 10 years old is the same.!!!!!
Some things change but some things stay the same.
How blessed I am to have shared 2 generations of 10 year old's birthdays.
How blessed I am to have 60's Chicks with whom I continue to share.
Looking forward to many days of sharing with my friends.
Yesterday as I walked downstairs to the family room, I heard cheering, and peals of laughter.10 year old boys filling the room with their energy. With their competiveness. With their joy.
I heard my son's voice giving direction and organizing their games.............
Flashback 25 years to another 10 year old's birthday party. Jason had friends over, in another house but also in the family room in the basement. As I walked down those stairs in 1983, I then heard the laughing, hollaring and energy of those boys. They were having a pillow fight!!!!
The wonderful sounds were the same. The boys were different boys. But being 10 years old is the same.!!!!!
Some things change but some things stay the same.
How blessed I am to have shared 2 generations of 10 year old's birthdays.
How blessed I am to have 60's Chicks with whom I continue to share.
Looking forward to many days of sharing with my friends.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Motto to Live By
Today is the last Friday in March. Supposed to be spring!!!!!!!! The out side temperature is about 36 degrees. an inch of snow on the ground and mixtures of snow and hail are poundimg down occassionally interrupted by a brief clearing with sunshine. Sun breaks they call them here in the Northwest.
I am dreaming of cruise to Mexico with some fabulous old friends in just a little over 5 months. I am so excited I can hardly stand it!!!! Out of 29 of us that were nursing students together, 17 are signed sealed and will be sailing together that first week of September. I 'd love to have everyone join......
Things to do and life to live before we sail, though.
My only daughter, youngest child is getting married in a little less than one month. We have been showering almost every weekend for a month now. Honey moon shower, at which I gave her 10 notes cards stamped, all addressed to me, along with a small framed picture of me to take with her to Tahiti!!!! Appropriate don't you think??!!?? (ha) Fortunately both she and her fiance have great senses of humor., A Lingerie shower, next my family shower and his family shower. All very exciting. Dresses, shoes, hair, laughs . A special time.
Adding to this wedding excitement, and becoming a 60's Chick this year, we have just found out that we will become Grandparents for the 5th time!!! WOO HOO.
Ryan and Julie have 2 delightful boys, ages 4 and ONE. This additon is a blessed surprise and we are thrilled. Julie is an amazing mom and is adjusting well after the first shock wears off.
Looking back, Sarah was my "surprise" child. How our lives would have been so much less rich without her. But during those morning sickness days, and sleepless nights I wondered........
Life is an amazing journey, sometimes wonderfully amazing, sometimes amazed that "THAT" could happen to me.
I came across this quote that I think speaks of how we ( especially as 60's Chicks) need to live
" Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body,......... but skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, latte in the other, body thoroughly used up. totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO, what a ride"
Looking forward to our time together
Wishing each of you a WOO HOO ride,
I am dreaming of cruise to Mexico with some fabulous old friends in just a little over 5 months. I am so excited I can hardly stand it!!!! Out of 29 of us that were nursing students together, 17 are signed sealed and will be sailing together that first week of September. I 'd love to have everyone join......
Things to do and life to live before we sail, though.
My only daughter, youngest child is getting married in a little less than one month. We have been showering almost every weekend for a month now. Honey moon shower, at which I gave her 10 notes cards stamped, all addressed to me, along with a small framed picture of me to take with her to Tahiti!!!! Appropriate don't you think??!!?? (ha) Fortunately both she and her fiance have great senses of humor., A Lingerie shower, next my family shower and his family shower. All very exciting. Dresses, shoes, hair, laughs . A special time.
Adding to this wedding excitement, and becoming a 60's Chick this year, we have just found out that we will become Grandparents for the 5th time!!! WOO HOO.
Ryan and Julie have 2 delightful boys, ages 4 and ONE. This additon is a blessed surprise and we are thrilled. Julie is an amazing mom and is adjusting well after the first shock wears off.
Looking back, Sarah was my "surprise" child. How our lives would have been so much less rich without her. But during those morning sickness days, and sleepless nights I wondered........
Life is an amazing journey, sometimes wonderfully amazing, sometimes amazed that "THAT" could happen to me.
I came across this quote that I think speaks of how we ( especially as 60's Chicks) need to live
" Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body,......... but skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, latte in the other, body thoroughly used up. totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO, what a ride"
Looking forward to our time together
Wishing each of you a WOO HOO ride,
Monday, March 10, 2008
Celebrating Pat with Memories
This Friday Pat will join the 60's Chicks.
In Honor of her here is a list of her college memories
1. Rolling down our student nurse dresses before clinicals and nursing classes----then rolling them up for everything else
2. As an off-campus student,driving to campus on snow days to pick up classmates for the hospital. With 3 in the front seat and6 in the back (!) we had great traction. I remember stopping at stoplights on the hill where the car in front couldn't get going again. The backseat 6 would climb out, give them a push, then climb back in to ride to until the next stoplight.....
3.The engagement announcement parties-- passing the lighted candle and guessing who would blow it out....
Thanks for the memories
In Honor of her here is a list of her college memories
1. Rolling down our student nurse dresses before clinicals and nursing classes----then rolling them up for everything else
2. As an off-campus student,driving to campus on snow days to pick up classmates for the hospital. With 3 in the front seat and6 in the back (!) we had great traction. I remember stopping at stoplights on the hill where the car in front couldn't get going again. The backseat 6 would climb out, give them a push, then climb back in to ride to until the next stoplight.....
3.The engagement announcement parties-- passing the lighted candle and guessing who would blow it out....
Thanks for the memories
Sunday, March 2, 2008
My Daughter's Wedding
Along with becoming a 60's Chick later in the year, this is the year my 3rd child and only daughter gets married.
She also attended Seattle Pacific but never had an in hour and boys COULD be on the dorm floor at certain times. No engagement parties either.
We are having a great time getting ready for the event. She is an actress at heart and an event planner by profession so it will be quite a shindig!!!!!
Things are so different at weddings now than they were 37 years ago when I was married. My Dad performed the ceremony, few people wrote their own vows, the wording on invitations was pretty well set and the reception was cake ,nuts and mints in the basement of the church.
Remember those days?
Well, Now we have an event planner AND a "prop" man-----don't ask, not sure.
Between Sarah and her fiance they have 8 nephews between the ages of 1 and 10. Of these 8 ,6 of them have names that begin with "C" Caleb, Connor, Caden, Cade ,Cole ,Cooper and of course Levi and Nathan!!!!! Have you ever seen 8 ring bearers? Stay tuned.
I just read Sarah's latest blog and laughed my way through it.
If you'd like to know about my life these next 50 plus days
I hope you laugh too
"Life is about sharing." yo
She also attended Seattle Pacific but never had an in hour and boys COULD be on the dorm floor at certain times. No engagement parties either.
We are having a great time getting ready for the event. She is an actress at heart and an event planner by profession so it will be quite a shindig!!!!!
Things are so different at weddings now than they were 37 years ago when I was married. My Dad performed the ceremony, few people wrote their own vows, the wording on invitations was pretty well set and the reception was cake ,nuts and mints in the basement of the church.
Remember those days?
Well, Now we have an event planner AND a "prop" man-----don't ask, not sure.
Between Sarah and her fiance they have 8 nephews between the ages of 1 and 10. Of these 8 ,6 of them have names that begin with "C" Caleb, Connor, Caden, Cade ,Cole ,Cooper and of course Levi and Nathan!!!!! Have you ever seen 8 ring bearers? Stay tuned.
I just read Sarah's latest blog and laughed my way through it.
If you'd like to know about my life these next 50 plus days
I hope you laugh too
"Life is about sharing." yo
Monday, February 25, 2008
Memories from Linda
Recieving mail in the SUB
Falling in love with Jim
Being rejected
Falling in love with Steve
Being caught by Mrs Green in the act of leaving campus ( skipping her leadership class) with my suitcase in hand
Thinking leadership applies to some other student
"Decorating" my dorm room with old bricks and metal cans
open House
Studying in the stuffy, hot 'typing room' on my floor
Making phone calls home on Sunday nights from the pay phone
Not crying in front of the other people waiting in line to make calls
Daring to wear my coat over my slip ( no dress) to Gwinn on Sunday morning
Going to Beth's House for a real Sunday Dinner
Margarte's apartment
going to Albequerque during Spring Break
'Hospital' corners
trying to make a quarter bounce off a newly made bed fro Miss Castle
Listening to Miss Castle advising me to change majors
Going on a blind date and losing my contact down the drain
Borrowing my brother's 57 Chevy to 'drive to clinicals'
Mrs Tiede
OB patients screaming in labor
Falling asleep during Mrs Kurtz's afternoon lecture
Scary, big ,male out of control psyche patients at harborview
Carol's cooking
Support hose
Falling in love with Jim
Being rejected
Falling in love with Steve
Being caught by Mrs Green in the act of leaving campus ( skipping her leadership class) with my suitcase in hand
Thinking leadership applies to some other student
"Decorating" my dorm room with old bricks and metal cans
open House
Studying in the stuffy, hot 'typing room' on my floor
Making phone calls home on Sunday nights from the pay phone
Not crying in front of the other people waiting in line to make calls
Daring to wear my coat over my slip ( no dress) to Gwinn on Sunday morning
Going to Beth's House for a real Sunday Dinner
Margarte's apartment
going to Albequerque during Spring Break
'Hospital' corners
trying to make a quarter bounce off a newly made bed fro Miss Castle
Listening to Miss Castle advising me to change majors
Going on a blind date and losing my contact down the drain
Borrowing my brother's 57 Chevy to 'drive to clinicals'
Mrs Tiede
OB patients screaming in labor
Falling asleep during Mrs Kurtz's afternoon lecture
Scary, big ,male out of control psyche patients at harborview
Carol's cooking
Support hose
Memories from Beth
The maroon Beanies
Mrs Green
The first bed making experience
The first shot (given to my best friend, who is still my best friend)
Physics (I now tell people the only reason I took physics is so I can move furniture up and done stairs!!!!)
The first baby I saw being born
Meeting Joyce Lager Anderson o9n the first day of registration
The middle of the night fire drills
A non- nurse roomate who liked to stay up until 3 AM
Making fresh apple cider with Linda Eddy Visser's Dad
Rooming in a small old house for our summer quarter
Swimming in Green Lake at midnight THEN
Falling asleep in the front row of "the Book of Luke" the next day.
Ballard Hospital
Psych rotation at Harbor View
Finding my way around U of W Campus for Public Health Rotation
Rooming with Ginny Lingren Edwards our Senior year
Seeing a car accident on our way to our Public Health assignment with Joyce Pashley Stockwell
Connie Ells Banner's laugh
Turning 20 together-------------
Now 40 years later----------the world is a better place because of our dreams, training and dedication to life.
It's time to CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Green
The first bed making experience
The first shot (given to my best friend, who is still my best friend)
Physics (I now tell people the only reason I took physics is so I can move furniture up and done stairs!!!!)
The first baby I saw being born
Meeting Joyce Lager Anderson o9n the first day of registration
The middle of the night fire drills
A non- nurse roomate who liked to stay up until 3 AM
Making fresh apple cider with Linda Eddy Visser's Dad
Rooming in a small old house for our summer quarter
Swimming in Green Lake at midnight THEN
Falling asleep in the front row of "the Book of Luke" the next day.
Ballard Hospital
Psych rotation at Harbor View
Finding my way around U of W Campus for Public Health Rotation
Rooming with Ginny Lingren Edwards our Senior year
Seeing a car accident on our way to our Public Health assignment with Joyce Pashley Stockwell
Connie Ells Banner's laugh
Turning 20 together-------------
Now 40 years later----------the world is a better place because of our dreams, training and dedication to life.
It's time to CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!
More Gorgeous Nurses
Friday, February 1, 2008
Who am I?

I am a member of the SPC Nursing Class of 1970.
I took Nursing State boards the summer or Fall of 1970.
Can you name me?
Can you quess which states I am or have been licensed in?
What is your favorite memory of me OR what do you remember about me?
Answer in the comments so we all can share!!!
Go 60's Chicks!!!!!!
More to come!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
When Gini, Ginny, Vicki, Joyce and I got together last summer to plan our great gettaway, we had a great time. Two thing really struck me as we chatted. First, as I looked at each one, I saw the face of my young college friend, no changes at all over the 40 years. I knew however, looking at myself, time does change our appearance --- what we see with our eyes. At that moment I realized-------time doesn't change what we see with our heart.
Second, as we laughed and planned, Ginny pipes up " Do we have to lose weight to go on a cruise?" The answer , of course, is NO!!!!!!!!!!
We are who we are------ Nothing more . Nothing less. Hallelujah!!!!!
I thought I would post this poem that Judy Thorsen Enchlemayer sent out to us .
Be encouraged, we are all blessed 60's Chicks. I see you with my heart
Some one will always be prettier
Someone will always be smarter
Some of their houses will be bigger
Some will drive a better car
Their children will do better in school
And their husbands will fix more things around the house
So let it go, LOVE YOU, love your circumstances
Think about it!
The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart
And the most highly favored woman on your job, may be unable to have children
The richest woman you know, has the house, the car , the clothes ------
Might be lonely
The word says, 'If I have not Love, I am nothing'
Look in the mirror in the morning, smile and say
'I am too Blessed to be Stressed, too Annointed to be Disappointed!'
Be BLESSED, Ladies We ARE the 60's Chicks
Thanks, Judy for this encouragement
Second, as we laughed and planned, Ginny pipes up " Do we have to lose weight to go on a cruise?" The answer , of course, is NO!!!!!!!!!!
We are who we are------ Nothing more . Nothing less. Hallelujah!!!!!
I thought I would post this poem that Judy Thorsen Enchlemayer sent out to us .
Be encouraged, we are all blessed 60's Chicks. I see you with my heart
Some one will always be prettier
Someone will always be smarter
Some of their houses will be bigger
Some will drive a better car
Their children will do better in school
And their husbands will fix more things around the house
So let it go, LOVE YOU, love your circumstances
Think about it!
The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart
And the most highly favored woman on your job, may be unable to have children
The richest woman you know, has the house, the car , the clothes ------
Might be lonely
The word says, 'If I have not Love, I am nothing'
Look in the mirror in the morning, smile and say
'I am too Blessed to be Stressed, too Annointed to be Disappointed!'
Be BLESSED, Ladies We ARE the 60's Chicks
Thanks, Judy for this encouragement
Friday, January 18, 2008
Where did 29 go?
Tonight my precious daughter-in -law is celebrating her 29th birthday at a very special place for our family. A slumber party with 12 of her friends from her Bible Study group.
Not so long ago I was 29----- maybe not so smart as my daughters- in- law.
I had 2 boys . They each have 2 boys. I was working full time building a business. They both are stay at home Moms. I didn't know the value of taking time with my friends. Both these wonderful girls know that they are better wives and Moms because they take care of themselves. I am learning.
Next weekend, my friend since 1966 is coming to my house on Schweitzer Mountain , Idaho, with her family to celebrate her 60th birthday. We will laugh, we will cry, we will compare grandchildren and we will eat chocolate. We might ski.
My friend, Linda, we are sisters at heart, we have learned that ,although contact is often sparse and far between we are connected. Connected by being Nurses, by living these 60 years, by reconnecting at our 30 year SPU reunion. But most of all, we are daughters of the King who have struggled and danced through this journey called life. We have chosen to dance together the last portion of time on this earth.
Happy 60th Birthday , Linda on the 22nd. I hope you dance!!!!!!
Here's hoping all my 60's chicks friends will dance!!! It is better if we dance together!!
Not so long ago I was 29----- maybe not so smart as my daughters- in- law.
I had 2 boys . They each have 2 boys. I was working full time building a business. They both are stay at home Moms. I didn't know the value of taking time with my friends. Both these wonderful girls know that they are better wives and Moms because they take care of themselves. I am learning.
Next weekend, my friend since 1966 is coming to my house on Schweitzer Mountain , Idaho, with her family to celebrate her 60th birthday. We will laugh, we will cry, we will compare grandchildren and we will eat chocolate. We might ski.
My friend, Linda, we are sisters at heart, we have learned that ,although contact is often sparse and far between we are connected. Connected by being Nurses, by living these 60 years, by reconnecting at our 30 year SPU reunion. But most of all, we are daughters of the King who have struggled and danced through this journey called life. We have chosen to dance together the last portion of time on this earth.
Happy 60th Birthday , Linda on the 22nd. I hope you dance!!!!!!
Here's hoping all my 60's chicks friends will dance!!! It is better if we dance together!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Not Too Late
Calling all 60's chicks for the Nursing class of 1970 SPC
It is not too late to get on board for our cruise in September.
Interested parties need apply!!!!
If you don't have my email just addto the comments and I will get in touch with you.
It is not too late to get on board for our cruise in September.
Interested parties need apply!!!!
If you don't have my email just addto the comments and I will get in touch with you.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
This year is a phoenomenal milestone in our lives.
The year we turn 60.
We need to celebrate the lives we've lived, celebrate the lives we have yet to live and celebrate each other.
January 17th Vicki McClurg is the first of this year that I know who will leave the 50 somethings behind and enter this new decade.
Linda Visser will join her on January 22.
I think we need to really CELEBRATE-----life in general and each other specfically.
I believe nothing happens by chance. We did not go to SPC by chance. We did not go into nursing by chance.
And most of all we did not meet each other by chance.
We met by divine ordination to be in each others lives for a purpose.Friendship, support, fun ,encouragement, laughter and just being.
Many of us have not seen each other since that June day in 1970 when we marched down the aisle of the Seattle Opera House to receive our diplomas. The memory that stands out most about that day is when the faculty were marching out in the recessional and Mrs Green saluted us , as a class, as she walked by. Today we deserve that salute even more.
We have been given this amazing chance in life to reconnect . Let's take it and run with it, learn where our paths have taken us and celebrate it all. The good ,bad and the ugly.
I encourage you each to send a note, email or call these birthday girls as they become our first official "60's Chicks'!!!!
Several have emailed me their birth dates. Would love to have them all
More later.... Until then Celebrate this day and every day
Hooray for The 60's Chicks
The year we turn 60.
We need to celebrate the lives we've lived, celebrate the lives we have yet to live and celebrate each other.
January 17th Vicki McClurg is the first of this year that I know who will leave the 50 somethings behind and enter this new decade.
Linda Visser will join her on January 22.
I think we need to really CELEBRATE-----life in general and each other specfically.
I believe nothing happens by chance. We did not go to SPC by chance. We did not go into nursing by chance.
And most of all we did not meet each other by chance.
We met by divine ordination to be in each others lives for a purpose.Friendship, support, fun ,encouragement, laughter and just being.
Many of us have not seen each other since that June day in 1970 when we marched down the aisle of the Seattle Opera House to receive our diplomas. The memory that stands out most about that day is when the faculty were marching out in the recessional and Mrs Green saluted us , as a class, as she walked by. Today we deserve that salute even more.
We have been given this amazing chance in life to reconnect . Let's take it and run with it, learn where our paths have taken us and celebrate it all. The good ,bad and the ugly.
I encourage you each to send a note, email or call these birthday girls as they become our first official "60's Chicks'!!!!
Several have emailed me their birth dates. Would love to have them all
More later.... Until then Celebrate this day and every day
Hooray for The 60's Chicks
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Good times and old friends
"Midst the mountains of the westland, near the shining sea.........
30 or so young women met in 1966 at Seattle Pacific College
with the dream of making a difference in the world by becoming nurses.
We all turned 20 together...... in 2008 most of us will turn 60!!!!
4o years later-------the world is a better place because of our dreams, training and dedication to life
The 60's Chicks Reunion Tour
Some gathered together to plan our "getaway". After considering distance, cost and the amount of fun in the shortest period of time( no cooking, no cleaning, no pressure, no husbands) , we opted for a 4 day cruise to Mexico.
Contact information, passports, travels agents later, we began the plan
16 beautiful nurses are now on our way to the 1st annual 60' s Chicks Reunion Tour
We are georgeous ( look at the Dove commercials)
We ar wonderful women
We are Nurses
And WE will be turning 60
HOORAY for good time and old friends
30 or so young women met in 1966 at Seattle Pacific College
with the dream of making a difference in the world by becoming nurses.
We all turned 20 together...... in 2008 most of us will turn 60!!!!
4o years later-------the world is a better place because of our dreams, training and dedication to life
The 60's Chicks Reunion Tour
Some gathered together to plan our "getaway". After considering distance, cost and the amount of fun in the shortest period of time( no cooking, no cleaning, no pressure, no husbands) , we opted for a 4 day cruise to Mexico.
Contact information, passports, travels agents later, we began the plan
16 beautiful nurses are now on our way to the 1st annual 60' s Chicks Reunion Tour
We are georgeous ( look at the Dove commercials)
We ar wonderful women
We are Nurses
And WE will be turning 60
HOORAY for good time and old friends
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